Myrmidon Version 1.2 Demo ------------------------ The Myrmidon 1.2 Demo installer will install the Myrmidon demo into the currently active System folder. If you have an older version of Myrmidon, it will be moved to the trash. To install Myrmidon, simply double-click the installer and follow the instructions. Once the installation is complete, simply select Myrmidon from the Chooser and you will be ready to turn any document into a web page. To customize the way Myrmidon performs its conversion, choose the "Page Setup..." command from any application. The demo will work for 25 conversions. For information on how to obtain the commercial version, please visit our web site:   "Converted by Myrmidon" Image ---------------------------- The demo will contain a GIF image on every Web page that says "converted by Myrmidon". Please help spread the word about Myrmidon by displaying this image on your web pages. What's New In Version 1.2 ------------------------ 1. More "WYSIWYG" Web Pages. This version uses invisible tables, spaces, the tage, and line breaks to mimic the look of the original document. Although HTML cannot produce pixel level accuracy, this new version creates Web pages that look closer to the original document. 2. Increased Tolerance for Kerning and Justification. Documents that use kerning and paragraph justification make it difficult to determining the intended spacing between words, characters, and columns. Version 1.2 implements fuzzy logic to discriminate between kerning, word spacing, and column spacing. As a result, a greater range of kerning and word spacing may now be converted without generating unwanted spaces between characters (or removing spaces between words). 3. Greater Control Over the Conversion Process. You now have almost complete control over which tags are generated. An easy to use configuration dialog lets you enable or disable the output of virtually every type of HTML tag. 4. Automatic link conversion. Any text in the source document that has the format of a URL ("http://", "ftp://", "mailto:", etc.) is converted automatically to a link. 5. Support for more HTML tags: • attribute that will match any font used by the source document, • tag to match any underlined text in the source document, • and tag to match any subscript or superscript text in the source document. 6. Improved Table of Contents. The automatically generated table of contents is now indented by heading level. The links in the table of contents are referenced by file name and heading location, so the table of contents can be moved to another file in the same folder without breaking the links. 7. Improved Graphics Conversion. Earlier versions would not convert images with greater than 256 colors. Version 1.2 converts any image regardless of the color depth, the color table created is optimal for each image, and the resolution of the GIF image is 72 dpi (ideal for Web page viewing). GIF image files names are now unique, allowing you to put many Web pages in a single folder without a file name conflict. 8. Improved Memory Usage. Myrmidon now uses temporary memory during conversion, making it less likely to run out of application memory on large files. Terry Morse Software, Inc. 4546 B10 El Camino Real, Suite 427 Los Altos, CA 94022 voice:1-415-858-1017 fax:1-415-494-6272